Sebi’s Bots
2 min readNov 26, 2021


Welcome to the first addition of the blog focused on the Discord bots developed by Sebi#0002. The creator of bots such as Thread Manager and Infinity Lounge. Lets see what’s new with the bot crew.

Thread Manager

This month with Thread Manager, Sebi has added the abbility to add the bot directly from its profile! No more searching around the web to find your favorite Discord bot. There has also been reported issues with the /thread add command not working as intended and the thread watcher showing undefined threads in the /watch list command. Sebi will be looking into these bugs shortly. If you experience these issues please drop a report in the TM support channel in the “Sebi’s Town Hall” Discord Server so that we can find a definite cause for these issues. Following the accidental database deletion a few months ago, Sebi gave all users who requested premium within 2 days of the outage indefinite Thread Manager Premium for free!


What’s new with Midnight? Well like Thread Manager you can now also add Midnight directly from its profile. There hasn’t been any other major bugs reported with the bot.


As with the other bots you can now add TX directly from the profile page for the bot! Thankfully there also hasn’t been any major bugs with this bot following the database issues that impacted all of the bots a few months ago. After the accidental database deletion that occurred, Sebi handed out compensation bot currency to people who created a new wallet within 2 days of the bot returning to being operational again.

Infinity Lounge

Ahh Infinity Lounge. Can you guess what’s new??? Yep, you can now add it directly from its profile as well. There also hasn’t been any major issues with this bot that have been reported and it wasn’t impacted by the database deletion because it stores no user or server data.

Closing and new things.

Sebi also now has a Patreon where you can directly support him and his bots for only $3.00 a month. With that $3.00 pledge, you get premium for all of Sebi’s bots! While premium doesn’t do anything except give you a hoisted role in the Town Hall server and a profile badge on your user info when running the user info command on any of Sebi’s bots. It may eventually serve a bigger purpose. It is still just a nice way to support Sebi if you’re a fan of him or his bots. You can find it here:

The database is frequently being backed up now, so there is no need to worry about massive data loss on the bots anymore.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog post and we can’t wait to keep sharing innovative and amazing bots with you all.



Sebi’s Bots

This is the blog focused on reporting everything there is to report on the bots developed by Sebi#0002.